Thursday, May 24, 2007

Not an Early Morning Child

Well I haven't put up any pictures of stu's straightened hair because i don't really have any good ones, it wasn't really that interesting and it went back to normal in about 1 day.

The new frizbee has arrived and I've finally been able to give it a test run over the last couple of days down the grassy slopes out the back of the hostel, but alas I'm not in the best throwing condition at the moment. I think I've done me back either by wrestling in the bar on Saturday night, wrestling and rolling down the grass or by throwing the frizbee itself...probably a combination of all 3 I'd say.

I saw the sunrise this morning at around a quarter to five and is was pretty pretty if i do say so myself. I would have taken a photo to show you but my camera was upstairs and inside the building and i was outside on the foreshore so poo to that.

I haven't really been taking any pictures lately which is a bit strange but i will try to get some more up here with things like the cowboys and Indians night at the hostel in the next couple of weeks or so. Some more news, stu will be moving back into the hostel on Sunday ready for summer after living in the city for a while.

Here's a few pictures from the achieves to keep things colourful for this post

This little cottage is down the river a bit

Here we are at the Caledonian Brewery Hop Room with a slippery floor

One of the specials we do at the bar, the "Jager Train"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

New work

hello all! I've just started work at the hostel behind the bar in Iains' old position. It's the weekend and things can be quite funny with the stag and hens night parties starting in the hostel then going to town then coming back from town around 3 am to drink some more. Right now i'm in the middle of a saturday night shift which starts at 4pm and will finish probably around 5 or 6 the next morning. Long hours but it can be entertaining, now i know how it feels like to be Iain and josh (the other bartender)!!

gotta go and call for mothers day now ( i just found out that it's mothersday in australia)