Thursday, July 13, 2006

Day 4

It's Day 4 which means we leave Liverpool and prepare for the last night of the tour!!

Nice and early in the morning the tour group headed down to the river mersey to catch the ferry across and placed me in charge of the tickets, lucky i'm just a very responsible guy and we all got over and out the other side in one piece!

Now we headed into wales with the first stop being Conwy which has a very old castle that hasn't been restored like a lot of the others and has kept a lot of its' character. This castle was one of the homes of Longshanks during his rule. (history lesson 1)
Another thing to note is that now in Wales all the signs are written in Welsh and in English underneath. I was told that the Welsh hung onto their culture a lot more because they were the most exploited of the peoples neighbouring the English.

From Conwy we headed into Snowdonia national park to have a look at Mt. Snowdon, the highest peak in england and wales (3560 ft.) but before we got there there was a stop off at the longest, which goes as follows:


and this means:

The church of Mary in the hollow of the white hazel near the fierce whirlpool and the church of tysilio by the red cave
.......and that's that!

Here's me acting like some sort of bird with Mt. Snowdon over MY left shoulder in the clouds and look i'm not even fat yet!!

Onwards we headed to a loverly little town and ate lunch by a rocky pool and small waterfall then drove onto Stratford-upon-Avon the hometown of Shakespeare but more importantly somewhere to watch Australia play Croatia in the world cup, grab a bite to eat & a drink or 2..... well it was the last night and all.

Interesting soccor match......lets just say that the umpire got sent back to England from Germany and will never cover another top class match and we still progressed to the next stage to play Italy (will cover later)

Blah blah blah we all partyed the night away and enjoyed ourselves thanks guys!

Here's some of us now! (from 90 degrees left...Kylie,Maya,Tony,Darren,Me,Cameron & Dave)