Monday, January 08, 2007

Bringing in the New Year

Edinburgh, its a city known worldwide for it's new years eve street party and 4 day celebration, well that's all good and dandy if it didn't get CANCELLED!!!!! In lovely scottish style a rather windy storm happened to blow in and cause a bit of havoc across the entire country. Parties to the east were cancelled during the afternoon but in edinburgh we held on until the last minute then it was called off at 9 o'clock with big headlines across the tele!!

well you get the idea. Luckily thanks to Stu we had a house party to go to, so we welcomed in the new year indoors but managed to have great time anyway.
The city has been looking very nice with all the festive decorations all about the place and there are so many places you can go to get a view of everything. Walking up and down the streets you notice that there are a lot of pubs and clubs around, we've already managed to visit a good number over the last week or so. Because the city has been built on top of itself over the years and has interesting slopes all over the place some of the clubs go underground into the old style dungeons and caves, for example at one place you walk in the top, it goes 5 stories down, each level with it's own bar, then you can walk out from the bottom level onto another street. This was reallt handy when i figured out that my hostel was just around the corner from the bottom exit/entrance!! marvellous!

Here's a bit of the city for you, the castle would be to the left out of view, i'll put it in a picci sooner or later with it's blue light trees! A lot of the buildings are also lit up with just one colour, eg. one of the buildings just has blue light coming from all its windows, one has only red light etc... it is quite effective

gotta go now, i'll try get back with some more postings of things we're getting up to! It's poker night tomorrow night so there may be some funny pics of the boys in Edinburgh!


Blogger Liam Webb said...

Hey, good to see your still having a good time. Hope you enjoy Scotland. That underground multi-level club sounds awesome, we need something like that here! Summa Dayze was yesterday on the foreshore, Supreme Court Gardens. Jules, Bob Sinclair, Body Rockers, it was an awesome day, if a little hot (raving in a mob of 10,000 people in 31 degree weather pheww)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007  

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