Monday, April 30, 2007

Cricket, Fashion and Sun

It was a great world cup victory for us mighty Aussies! I spent both the semi and the final at the Walkabout, an 'aussie' bar in Edinburgh. For me the semi was more enjoyable because i had the whole day to relax and not have to be at work early the following day so things were flowing freely. The final was also entertaining, especially watching the whole of gillys' innings one of the greats of all time. The only problems was finding a seat, still being in work clothes & having to be up by 7 in the morning for more work...ah life is tough.

Now it's picture time, YAY!

Here you can see the we are close to victory in the semi against the saffas and even the 'mummies' are interested in the match!

After the semi we came back to the hostel and familier territory with a spot of fashion going on. The usual guys wearing girls things and Iain, well just being Iain.

Enjoy :)

Me on the catwalk demonstrating the way Amandas' hat can be worn by the fashion conscious!

(very nice! what a pose!!!)

Iain trying to look like a bit of an idiot and doing a great job!


Here we are looking down the foreshore into the sun with the tide out.

mmm very realxing indeed!!

ps. I have just written this at work before we go off to do some training while watching one of our customers who comes in from time to time trying to feed her fluffy toy giraffe some cake and give it a drink here and there, i think she's a little tapped...actually i'm fairly sure.

pps. Stu has had his hair straightened by someone for free, well i guess it was for free because i don't think he would have paid to have it straightened. Stay tuned for a picture! Stu i wonder what your mother would say ?? ;p


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