Day 5
Everyone was feeling a little slow in the morning due to the previous nights entertainment, so what did we do first thing in the morning?? go for a walk around stratford to have a peep at the birthplace of shakey, walk for a bit more and see the place where he died (he didn't get very far!). Then down the road a bit more we saw his grave which is kept inside a church with a warning to anyone who moves his bones will 'ave a curse placed 'pon ye!
On the way back from the church we did happen to spot a squirrel digging in one of the you do.

Onwards >>>> now after our walk what we were all looking forward to, sleeping on the bus mmm. Well for some reason I didn't sleep that day at all but everyone else did and I have pictures to prove it, all in all it made the ride a little boring but we soon arrived in Oxford.
Oxford uni isn't like any of ours back at home, there isn't a big uni campus, it's just built throughout the whole town which is great because there are students everywhere (not hard on the eyes!) and everyone rides a bike around. The town was explained to the group by the worlds most crazy tour guide honestly this lady was insane but she knew her stuff. The uni has heaps of old traditions and plenty of history not to mention the town itself. To cut it short we saw a lot of old famous buildings and some of the places where Harry potter was filmed for all those fans out there.
Here's a picture of some of the buildings which make up one of the worlds most famous libraries(8 in total). They're all linked underground by storage and tunnels, only certain people are allowed down there. Due to some guy back in the day making a bargain with the king/queen of the time the Oxford library gets the first copy of EVERY single new book published in the UK so there apparently millions of pointless books under the ground!
Homeward bound! When we saw the smog on the horizon and then hit the M25 we knew we were back in London and reality for some, more holidays for others. It was time to say goodbye...
Thanks to Darren & Dave our guides and everyone on the trip hope to see you soon!
i'm loving the sweet williams on shakespeares grave.
ahh... a little in-joke for those gardening literates among us.
Owwww my deaf ears.
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