Interesting times
Well it's been an interesting last couple of days or so, after the breaking of my tooth last week I proceeded to break the arm off my glasses a couple of days ago and book a day trip to bath & Stonehenge.
None of the opticians on the high street said they could actually fix the arm/frame of my glasses by welding it back on etc.. and I did go and ask at least 5 different places included some shoe repair people and key cutters. So eventually I went to a hardware store got some superglue and glued the thing back on, you wouldn't notice they were even broken unless I showed you (stupid 'professionals').
On Tuesday it turned out to be one of the bar staffs birthday so we proceeded to party far to late into the morning especially when I had organised a holiday for the next day and had to in central London for the pickup at 7 30 in the morning. To cut a long story short I didn't make the pickup time so missed the holiday and so when I do finally organise another one I would have paid double so it had better be good! Next week sound like a good time to go. On the bright side my Aerobie Frisbee arrived from ebay on the same day so it wasn't all bad news.
1 broken tooth
1 broken pair of glasses
1 missed holiday
what will next week hold in store??? not sure I want to ask!
ps. nice work Stu
Well it's been an interesting last couple of days or so, after the breaking of my tooth last week I proceeded to break the arm off my glasses a couple of days ago and book a day trip to bath & Stonehenge.
None of the opticians on the high street said they could actually fix the arm/frame of my glasses by welding it back on etc.. and I did go and ask at least 5 different places included some shoe repair people and key cutters. So eventually I went to a hardware store got some superglue and glued the thing back on, you wouldn't notice they were even broken unless I showed you (stupid 'professionals').
On Tuesday it turned out to be one of the bar staffs birthday so we proceeded to party far to late into the morning especially when I had organised a holiday for the next day and had to in central London for the pickup at 7 30 in the morning. To cut a long story short I didn't make the pickup time so missed the holiday and so when I do finally organise another one I would have paid double so it had better be good! Next week sound like a good time to go. On the bright side my Aerobie Frisbee arrived from ebay on the same day so it wasn't all bad news.
1 broken tooth
1 broken pair of glasses
1 missed holiday
what will next week hold in store??? not sure I want to ask!
ps. nice work Stu
Ohhhhhhhhhh dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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